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Take Control & Squeeze More Mileage From Your Fuel

You can't control gas prices, but you can manage fuel spend better. Linxup helps you regulate driver behaviors that impact fuel consumption costs.

Linxup works on desktops and mobile devices

Reduce fuel costs by up to 20%

Burning fuel is a drain on your company's bottom line. Engine idling, speeding, and hard breaking burn through your profits. Neglecting maintenance or misuse of fuel cards adds to mounting fuel expenses. Pinpointing fuel inefficiencies is key to squeezing out every drop and cutting down on fuel costs.

Linxup’s Fuel Consumption Report breaks down your expected versus your actual MPG. Alerts such as idling, speeding, rapid acceleration, and harsh braking help you spot problems and coach drivers in real-time, ultimately helping to increase your bottom line. In fact, one customer even found that monitoring speeding eliminated the need for his trucks to refuel during a shift. Check out how Patrick started to make 22 gallons of gas go farther.

Linxup GPS tracking idling report

Cut the idling: don’t let your engine throw a fuel-wasting party

Idling doesn't just waste fuel; it also wreaks havoc on your vehicles and the environment. So, put an end to idling—your wallet, your vehicles, and Mother Nature will all breathe a sigh of relief!


  • in larger vehicles wastes even more fuel than passenger cars

  • for just 30 seconds uses more fuel than restarting an engine

  • is only fuel efficient for 7 seconds. Any longer and drivers should shut off a car.

  • leaves fuel residue that damages engine components causing higher maintenance costs over time

Linxup’s Idle Activity Report and Idle Dashboard helps you cut the idling by providing data on each vehicle such as:

  • Total idle time

  • Average duration

  • Number of vehicle or asset extended idles

  • Rankings of your worst offenders

You can even create your own idle time limit and receive alerts whenever it’s exceeded.

Linxup GPS tracking mobile app

Wondering how much fuel you could be saving?

Try out our ROI calculator to get an estimate of how much money you could be saving each month.

How Much Money Are You Losing? Calculate Your ROI

Fill‘er up at the right time, right place, and in the right way

In addition to idling and harsh driving, Linxup fuel alerts are designed to help you monitor and manage fuel use in your fleet, so you can take action when there’s suspected misuse or fraud.

Always know when and where vehicles are filling up and at which fuel levels to help guide drivers to refill at recommended locations and times, further improving your fuel efficiency.

  • “Fuel fill-up” and “low fuel” alerts keep you in the loop on your vehicles’ refueling activity and fuel levels.

  • “Over capacity,” “incorrect location,” and “unassigned fuel card” alerts help steer drivers to fill up their tanks right: at the right places, at the right times, and with the right payment methods to snag the sweetest deals. Plus, they'll let you tap into special perks and discounts. These all-seeing insights also shine a light on any shady business, spotting misuse and fraud from a mile away.

linxup gps dtc codes

Keep your motors running, and business booming

Combine fuel consumption data with Linxup’s Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) alerts and fuel cards for a full picture and detailed assessment of each of your fleet vehicles! Keep your wheels spinning smoothly and your gas mileage in check, mile after mile.